The employees of the Tashkent Botanical Garden named after F.N. Rusanov took part at the International conference “Astana Biotech 2024”, as well as the International symposium “Regional flora of Kazakhstan: diversity, genetics and conservation” on September 12-13, 2024 in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the National Center of Biotechnology.
The International scientific conference “Astana Biotech 2024”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the National Center of Biotechnology, was held on September 12-13, 2024 in Astana, Kazakhstan. The conference was attended by well-known scientists and specialists from research centers and institutes, higher educational institutions in Germany, the USA, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Hungary, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.
The “Astana Biotech 2024” conference is an authoritative forum within which representatives of science, business and education, as well as government bodies could get acquainted with advanced scientific developments in the field of biotechnology both in Kazakhstan and abroad, develop comprehensive solutions in the format of direct communication, aimed at deepening cooperation. The conference program included plenary and sectional sessions, poster sessions, round tables at which scientists presented scientific projects in the field of biology, biotechnology and biomedicine. As part of the International Scientific Conference, a symposium “Regional flora of Kazakhstan: diversity, genetics and conservation” was held, in which leading biologists, botanists and geneticists took part. The conference featured an exhibition of equipment, technologies, services and capabilities of leading companies in the biotechnology industry.
An important part of this event was the holding of competitions for the Best Oral Presentation and the Best Poster Presentation. The head of the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Botanical Garden named after F.N. Rusanova Mustafina took first place for her report “Micropropagation of two medicinal plant species Ungernia Bunge (U. sewertzowii (REGEL) B.FEDTSCH. and U. victoris VVED. EX ARTJUSH.) as the sources of the biologically active components.” The delegation of the Tashkent Botanical Garden named after academ. F.N. of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan included the director of the botanical garden, Ph.D. Abdinazarov Sodikjon Khaliknazarovich, head of the laboratory of dendrology of the botanical garden, Ph.D. Temirov Eldor Ergashboevich, head of the laboratory of biotechnology of the botanical garden, Ph.D. Mustafina Feruza Usmanovna and junior researcher at the laboratory of biotechnology of the botanical garden Zhuraeva Hanifabonu Kobil kizi.