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It grows in Europe, India, northeastern Africa.

Botanical description of the plant

As a perennial plant, the shrub, up to 1 m in height, belongs to the family Labguldoshlar. The root system is very strong, the stem is branched, erect, the leaves are linearly long. The flowers are inflorescences of violet color. The seeds are brown in the shape of an oval seed.

Lavandula officinalis Mill.

Medicinal properties

Essential oils are extracted from the flowers. Decoction is used in various infectious diseases, insomnia, various nervous disorders, disorders of gastrointestinal function.

Growing technology

The medicinal lavender is propagated from seeds and vegetatively. Grows well in fertile soils and open ground. The plant

because it is perennial, mostly permanent locations are selected. It is not recommended to plan its placement in alternating planting fields. Because it can bear fruit in one place for 20–25 years.

In the fall of the lands planted with medicinal lavender plant Ga-account 15-20 tons of organic fertilizers and 30-40 kg of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate) are added. The soil is plowed to a depth of 25–28 cm. Propagation of the plant from seed is the most effective method. Its optimal sowing time is the first decade of November.The seeds are sown deeper (2-3 cm). If the seeds spring If it is necessary to sow in a month, then soak them in running water It is better to sow. Before planting, the soil is cleared of weed debris, plowed and leveled with a rake. When the air temperature reaches 10-15 C, a 70 cm furrow is taken and the seeds are sown. The soil composition is kept moist (70%) until the seeds sown in early spring germinate. Up to 4-6 kg of seeds are consumed per hectare. The seeds germinate in 7-10 days. Chin leaves appear after 10–15 days.  When their number reaches 2-3 (about 15-20 days) then the plant spacing is softened by cultivation and cleared of weeds. Intermittent vegetation with the appearance of folds in the planted areas as a result of rainfall in the spring months softened and at the same time single, leaving 2-3 plants 25-30 cm long in each bush. Sometimes the plants planted in the fall in favorable soil conditions (in 1 and 2 years) in June can bloom in late and early July. Plants mainly blooms from 3 years of age. Plant two before the mating phase The plants are watered once and after watering with inter-cultivation Softened to a depth of 8–10 cm. The plants bloom in early July. Feeding begins with the mowing phase, and before irrigation, 50 kg of nitrogen and 30 kg of potassium fertilizers are applied per hectare.

Feeding the plants with diluted manure juice gives good results. Areas planted with lavender should be watered every 2–3 waterings.
