The plant of the eastern part of the United States. It is grown in Uzbekistan as an ornamental and medicinal plant. Grows in dry and open areas of forests and hills
Exinatseya is a perennial plant, 1 m tall. The balls have a diameter of 0.5 m. It blooms from late May or early July, depending on the climate. The individual flowers are hermaphrodite. The plant is pollinated by insects (butterflies, bees).
The plant has the property of general stabilization of the immune system. The plant produces more than 200 drugs in Germany. Used in the treatment of wounds, burns from the roots and surface of the plant. Exinatseya has the property of stabilizing metabolism, antiseptic, herb-driving, improving digestion and salivation.
Exinatsea is usually propagated by seeds. Seeds are sown on special floors in March to form plantations of the echinacea plant. 3-4 kg of seeds are sown on the floor to prepare seedlings per hectare. The floors should have a specially prepared soil (1-1-3 = sand-manure-soil). On the sown seeds sown sieve-rich soil 2–3 cm thick. Seeds germinate in 25-30 days after sowing. It is watered 8-9 times during the season and regularly weeded. Throughout the year, the plant reaches a height of 15-20 cm and is ready for transplanting to a large area.
To plant a plant in a large area, an area with good sunlight should be chosen. The area selected for planting seedlings is filled with 50 tons of manure, 100 kg of phosphorus per hectare before driving in September. The field is plowed to a depth of 25-30 cm. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 70 cm from the row spacing, 25 cm from the bush. It is watered 8-10 times during the season, cultivated 2 times and cleared of weeds.